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The Golden Key

"Look at every experience you've had, anyone who's ever played a role in your life,It is sent to you for your benefit.

In the world of the Creator, there is simply no coincidence –

“There is always an opportunity” (Wayne Dyer in the book Success)

I have a stomach ache. It's normal for me. Before each test I am anxious that I will forget the material and fail.

It's so hard for me, no! It is impossible for me to study dates orally and in general the whole subject of tests, a real problem.

I call my best friend and again ask her to study with me.

She is charming, patient and fun to stay at her home. Her house is a palace for me, maids around, drinking special drinks we have only on Shabbat (as a way of education) 😊

I feel like a queen when I am by her home

But this time, disappointment.

I'm not sure what the reason is, but she tells me she prefers to study alone.

I feel abandoned, alone in the campaign, a sense of insult.

I do not remember if I passed that test, but the experience burned inside me.

My beloved friend taught me a huge lesson, which accompanies me to this day, really close.

This lesson I have practiced thousands of times over my life.

Lack of self-worth. Not believing in myself

One of the greatest gifts I received two decades ago, in my encounters with Louise Hay and her method “You Can Heal your Life" was and still is today that we are responsible for the joy of our lives.

That in order to grow, to live happily and appreciate the present moment Self-Worth is a major player!

The way you look at yourself is a result of beliefs and ideas about yourself that you have received from others

You have the full right to expand your Self Esteem by concentrating on all the good that God in His grace has planted within you

Using these tools, these diamonds, you can change whatever is required to feel really good with yourself

You can really measure your self-worth by being aware of how many positive beliefs you have about yourself and how much judgment, criticism and distrust you experience on a daily basis.

In our prayers every morning we say… "Great is your faith in me"… and what about your faith in yourself?

What about all the potential, capabilities that await you for your advancement? You can always do more.

One of the golden keys to the "Heal Your Life" method is the practice of Self-acceptance and Self approval for your change to become the best version of yourself

Second important key is to be aware of how your thoughts, the second key to change, are pumping the joy out in your life.

Awareness is the first step towards change.

The second is to love accept and approve of yourself are right now

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